Monday, November 21, 2011

The Unappetizing Lunch Ever

After running some errands last Saturday, I went to KFC to have some lunch. I wanted to try to eat healthy so instead of ordering the usual KFC chicken with gravy, I ordered a mushroom soup and a chicken salad d'lite. To my dismay, the chicken salad was not a delight at all. It looks unappealing. It was so dry and the vegetables seemed to have wilted. The ceasar salad dressing was of no help at all. It was awful. Everything tasted like paper. I think it's one of the most unappetizing lunch I've ever had. I should have stick to the good old KFC fried chicken with gravy. 

KFC Mushroom Soup

KFC Chicken Salad with Ceasar Salad Dressing

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